Feministic Famine

A mother’s supposed to be

Stable and strong



Loving and



Present and patient

Sunny side, half full, gracious

Warm comfort foods

Atop, starched linen tables


But what about when

There’s a glitch in the system?

When a heart gets forgotten

And love’s lacking in it?


What do we do when

A mom drops into

“I’m broken and weak

Not a drop in me, Jude!”


When Tom, Dick and Mary

Are caught in between

The back and forth swinging

Of his and her needs


A child deserves more

Than a hope and a prayer

More than a future of

Looking back with despair


If it’s true what they say

About love and attachment

Nurture then nature

We’re in quite the predicament.


Published by

Phoenix Inspiring

Twelve years ago, my life was heading in a very different direction. I was directing a dance and gymnastics program that I built from the ground up which I was highly passionate about. Had my daughter not been diagnosed with autism, I would likely still be pursuing this career today. Because she was diagnosed with autism, my life has been forever changed. Along my parenting autism journey, I was gifted with what I came to understand as a spiritual awakening. It wasn’t something I went looking for, rather something that happened, and as a result, has endowed me with a wealth of knowledge and insights that I feel inspired to share with others.

15 thoughts on “Feministic Famine”

      1. Ugh… I don’t know. It’s a beautiful song. It did resonate with me, but not for my mother. I guess maybe this is where I may be a bit different from most people. Or maybe my story differs… I guess most people want, or may need their parents ( moms) to be, or live up to this unattainable pedestal of a super mom… but for myself, my am a product of unwed teen agers from the 70’s so my mother and I grew up together in a way. Also it allowed me to see her in a very REAL light. She was very flawed. She had many addictions, which made her not the most attentive, hands on mother. When she got clean, she became a workaholic. And she lived the rest of her life working. After her 3 failed marriages, because she longed for love. I used to say. Thankyou I’m an only child. Lol. But through all of that. I KNEW she loved me the best way she knew how to. She was beautiful. Strong, capable, smart, determined, tough ! But very human!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Do not discount your own needs in all of your mom’s “humanness” though. The place so many of us resist going is to those childhood moments of terror and powerlessness and aloneness. It’s as if we shut that part out, entirely deny it and so separate ourselves from ourselves. The little girl from the past is part of our present until we meet her needs that she might become the woman of the present. ❤️


      3. Oh I agree, lol… year’s of one on one therapy, with full immersion in three different three month long 5 days a week group therapy, to learn forgiveness for myself in order to forgive her, as well as others in my life as a child who should’ve, but did not protect me.

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      4. I hear ya. I remember in high school (early 90’s), therapy was such a taboo subject; something to be ashamed of, but now, it’s simply the norm. Millenia of our world suppressing their feelings has created quite the imbalanced, emotionally unhealthy populous. Work to be proud of you’ve done!! XO!


  1. No mom is June Cleaver. I feel I should start by saying that I wrote this poem early on in my spiritual journey when I was coming to terms with that fact. Mothers are human. It’s simply that our society has placed this incredible “supermom” expectation on moms when the truth is that moms only arrive on this earth a handful of years ahead of their kids! When we consider our own evolution, we begin to realize the humanness of our mothers which yes, leads to us appreciating the “lessons” and priceless gifts they offer us. Even a bad teacher teaches us after all. And yes love is unconditional. The interpretations we put to explaining love are what is conditional and there lies the biggest tragedy to mankind. Much love, my friend!


  2. We place too many expectations on people in our world, especially when it comes to those we love, because of a title. Mother, father. Love is unconditional. Love is fluid, its not to be placed with expecting, in fact. Look at how good and free toddlers love and feel love, because no one is placing a definition by how they should be loving. I hope this makes sense and I haven’t went off on another one of my tangents. Lol

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    1. By the time a child is seven years old, the personality is formed and all of that free spiritedness has been suppressed by conditioning. Only way back to that innocence is starting where we are and then moving inward, peeling one layer at a time away until we arrive back at where we began only with consciousness. Such is the entire spiritual journey. Much love!!


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